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UNIDOW Indices PLUS subscription is suitable for Financial Analysts, High Net Worth Clients, Credit Analyst and Asset Management Companies to estimate intrinsic value of equities, benchmarking performance of the market and measuring portfolio performance. Plans starting from INR 10,000.


UNIDOW Indices STANDARD subscription suitable for students and individuals for learning equity market index and its important characteristics including factors for taking a call on investments in equity market. Plans starting from INR 6,599.

State-wise GDP | VMW Analytic PREMIUM

Get an access to aggregate output by activities of each state such as Agriculture, Fishing/Cattle; Industrial and Mining; and Services and other tertiary activities starting from 1950s. This includes report and vital indicators of state economies. The PREMIUM subscription of VMW Analytic Services is available only to businesses and governments of selected countries. Plans starting from INR 59,000.

State-wise GDP of India | VMW Analytic STANDARD

Get an access to aggregate output or output by activities of each state such as Agriculture, Fishing/Cattle; Industrial and Mining; and Services and other tertiary activities starting from 2010s. The STANDARD subscription of VMW Analytic Services is available to all in selected countries.

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